MY Projects

Intern Hack Day - First Place

• The extension allows iOS users quickly preview trending and most-sold greeting cards in the notification center without having to open the host app.
• The extension, developed with Swift, fetches data from the company’s API and displays the previews of trending and most-sold greeting cards
See Demo

Music Player: Django, API, and iOS

- Allows users to create customizable music playlists, and eventually recommend songs using Machine Learning.
- Built an API based on Django REST Framework to serve songs and playlists via URL manipulations
- Utilized MVC architecture to create an iOS version by making use of multiple view controllers, JSON data fetched from an API call, and AVFoundationFramework

Kathmandu Kitchen and Bar

• Built a Django-based web site using Python 2.7 for Kathmandu Kitchen and Bar deployed in Heroku
• Created a user friendly admin console to allow the the owner to manually change price or add food items
• Integrated Google Analytics, added necessary Search Engine Optimization keywords, and submitted the business location to Google Maps

The Pied Piper : Django Web App

- Interactively allows users to search an artist's name and get their tracks and see details using Apple's API
- Uses AJAX to make requests and show different animation
- The results are shown using datatable js with pagination



  • Fall 2017 - Present
  • Summer 2017
  • Fall '16 and Spring '17

  • Fall '16 and Spring '17

  • Fall '16 and Spring '17

  • Summer 2016
  • Software Engineering Co-op/Intern
    GE - Aviation, Grand Rapids, MI

    • Infrastructure and System Engineering

  • Software Engineering Co-op/Intern
    Eaton - Ephesus lightings, Syracuse, NY

    • Develop a desktop application.

  • Supplemental Lab Instructor
    Computer Science Department, RIT

    • Course: Principles of Computing (CS 101)
    • Assist the professor by grading submitted labs and homework assignments
    • Resposible for assisting students on class topics
    • Help students with no prior CS background learn Computer Science
    Support students during lab sessions

  • Tutor/Mentor
    Computer Science Mentoring Center, RIT

    Assist students taking computer science courses by helping them better understand class topics and provide support with their homeworks and lab assignments

  • Tutor/Mentor
    Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP), RIT

    Tutor students in a one-on-one setting to help develop critical thinking skills and assist with related courswork.
    Courses: Computer Science I, Computer Science II, and Computational Problem Solving for Engineers

  • Software Engineer Intern
    American Greetings

    • Designed, developed, and documented a tool that enabled users with no programming background understand and validate HTML snippets. The tool utilized Python, BeautifulSoup, Bootstrap, and data structures like Stack
    Traced and fixed web application bugs under the leadership of a tech lead
    • Contributed in improving an existing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool to generate a more customized report to help business analysts better understand URL metrics
    • Learned and applied the Software Development Life Cycle model utilizing agile and scrum methodologies